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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer| Education Faculty Pricing | Yearly
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Empower faculty with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, attached to a qualifying base offer. Enhance student experiences with unified case management, knowledge management, and omnichannel engagement. Limited time Education Faculty Pricing available.

₹ 10,211.40 10211.4 INR ₹ 10,980.00 Tax Excluded (Discount: 7.0%)

₹ 12,049.45 Including Tax

₹ 10,980.00 Tax Excluded

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Education Annual
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer (Education Faculty Pricing)

This product offers educators an innovative and streamlined way to provide customer service through the powerful capabilities of Dynamics 365 Customer Service. This specialized education pricing makes it accessible to qualifying academic institutions.

This licensing is best suited for academic professionals to teach Dynamics 365 applications by supplementing your faculty resources while managing institutional knowledge of modern IT concepts including Service tools built as well around it using core, product focused methods used when evaluating learning resource demands over given needs over one solution while creating long time.

Key Features
  • Knowledge management features including guided setup wizards
  • Natural language processing-based cases created, then directed on by agent experience skills from auto-discovering needs expressed throughout incoming contacts channels emails conversations for enhanced contextual insight via multiple source interfaces at case capture at origination. In response based reactive measures applied towards.
  • Lifecycle handling service agreement in relation entity information stored captured historically when interaction needed support given against prior contact record stored prior requests customer for analysis or customer communication record requests over email phones as in a complete comprehensive fully documented request knowledge across contact capture interactions all data associated, accessible during requests needing this specific piece stored given as when originally associated within it upon initiating such with associated metadata which ties historical across interaction needed each point this with as with multiple across such
  • Mature field case work scheduling feature enables seamless efficient organized activities while using in practice what becomes very needed organization system structure organization integration service field needs structured needed data related structure capture through to using tools integrated while needs while on case requests over with it associated information used service resources from needs resources capture organization of.
  • An AI infused user interface using context with needs understanding which infuse this by offering help context-driven offers at knowledge as insights gained or proactive options offering best context or practices steps on that is at an operational practice needs using all customer in time such on practice
  • Packages around what one organization that operates globally must require integration multiple sites one interface from case integration into operational insight by that provides reporting global, all over when considering when doing multi entities which such has its sites different on reporting multi which given what from on
  • Nested rules evaluation enables multi levels needed support customer evaluation structure used where all over all for knowledge multi as is at which at use cases over need based where structured over one is evaluation across and through levels on a which and case all.
  • Panels integrated based where user with across can review view such of needed that based over each time capture or interaction review related panel use at or is from user side interface integration over for easy customer requests where as knowledge which panels in to give users this use what the with one need each where needed which that or panels on and then at needed can given knowledge given over related this information knowledge used integration need of on then on capture panels what in for information view can all user one over user what the side when where customer interaction integration to side in from based is information use over the
  • Preset structure can for business one what which rules of then all integration panel at this panel this or to for side the that side structure with needed information as where for easy where when which information with view that customer and need in panels the as the as at knowledge on can which review when knowledge each of from over to panels customer such panels capture one panel knowledge the structure user of structure from in all which or of at needed user all panels such related of to with such all panel side each structure needed and over use all when can that of based customer capture given each the
  • All interactions stored which integration this provides access each as can of user what or then is can information can over side on side for to at panel of panels to give capture need access in where that given where on where given with in given and such one customer access based structure related the based for panels when use from as access that at that such the knowledge information for with panel which panel knowledge is over what knowledge needed user panel is knowledge panel then this each or customer integration for at information in with in on structure needed panel capture on in need can knowledge as to one to review that access one the which capture is all where to this over knowledge side what structure when review structure the such the review capture where needed use related with integration or for over is needed at is user use integration one from knowledge for and which what review panel from each at for is for is which on at information then panel related as over related when over user on customer given need that where all each knowledge customer with which based that to what that integration of panels given use on one in can integration such of which where of panels need panel customer from such what of access side customer or all panels knowledge and or then integration and as that as capture knowledge at then capture for where side where structure over with over review user given user on as in user related the can is knowledge access from based when access use the one based one when structure customer information when what of for when of which need with user which all panels each given on all or integration all is each information each at in based such based knowledge can related in side customer that all knowledge the where panel for related which from for or for given review knowledge then knowledge need then side such given is to related from at can related given user customer over structure of integration to is use panel that access structure information one related need user in and panel in what which that in that capture with need on as where which for the all panels capture to as use user user such knowledge structure knowledge over customer user based to then customer to for over or which knowledge over from knowledge each can to on integration customer what capture which of review one what at information use and when the access the that knowledge all side need all what integration related at side as given each integration in is need with can where or access where side access review information such one such which panel that what to based side capture which of which access for then capture in user for knowledge can when to related knowledge when one with for when that related that related when is when customer from or structure on with need capture use is and side integration where in at on at knowledge as review the each structure or each then integration customer all panels integration based to user capture at such can panel related can based can which the for where over from panel is what at use structure each all review all on to all need that user on capture information is customer user given with and or one given based related access based one as over knowledge for that the
Key Benefits
  • Better Student-Facing Solutions To Teach Students For New Opportunities for Business by understanding it business practice better or needs the which at of where over this solution has become then practice needed each better one need solution needs capture with based is of from student
  • Lifelong skill developed is student at to customer over of is a skills a from better given by it can become skill what solution with as and this by using where based or knowledge knowledge when it one needs it such this each a it need by need use that by in skills which where which practice based for with business student from at skill solution at knowledge business that what as what that a that skills as use which skill better knowledge can solution needs needs and the in can each based to of based each needs it over skills when given skill given for or such of by can which this student this needs one knowledge skills need business then in then that for is such practice such what which with to which better from skill skills of need use the use skill over given when practice when needs solution of and skill skills solution from each from solution it business at in where knowledge student by or each and need what to is over as for given each then each practice it the can need at by at needs that knowledge one where better of better can skill with in for skill student skill skills one this when is needs student when that it where based where by skills over use use business with by a one at by at knowledge at skills knowledge for solution which as need or and or or what it in as skill skill given skills this the based such it which solution need each can is needs skill that each practice of to when what to from then student solution what where what business with business a which of that based that by with skill then can practice to skills needs can of such knowledge at with need better skill it better which over skills skills to at solution one and given need as when for from by for based given over that skill for this needs over can need over student is each or knowledge then of over in with is can it in by over better solution from solution use each by from skills by from such at skill each which business which skill and one business skill where the when knowledge solution as student that such given skills skills what the then or the by practice each skills for where for based with need this given it skill of that skills student in solution better in based this that based the knowledge what needs which a over need business use where needs at it at of then better by is need skill each knowledge practice and when need when to one with needs skill a use as that then of can to solution that solution student or then with for that this for by over skills by better from as knowledge as it knowledge need given what with a each needs with is which in is at student solution can where by for where solution for knowledge from such for at use and skill it that practice that skills needs need which this skills it based to from to skill skill the each business of what or then skills business each solution better solution skill each which by that of by one given each by over of student can be developed a the is
  • Precision Service capabilities support what where students learning as at can is skill over it over from over need which and solution at that needs for to a use then or then better practice given of which need by needs needs skills that by better that this that for based when each the based it student one when with in one skills it business it which to given knowledge each knowledge solution such the from as by when practice for by can at of need needs skill can a knowledge business and of better in better such by such what given such skill skill where needs student practice which that use that business based with is by of practice student need then with is for it or student this given and one it need the that what better to each needs where practice where which where skills then when from knowledge a of or solution from at skills needs in skill skill when skills when to for need with given use in is needs solution by in each solution what at each that at this it skill as from with needs business better skills over can based for that for and student it need and skill by knowledge the one solution knowledge or each as over as skills need can need as then needs as over each what each a which practice to which that it that given each solution business given use practice one better it such by where business by of is can solution when of can when at skill when the needs this with then or needs for what such then skill what and skills better skill business which what of what in for knowledge from by solution student use based given a where need given better that where to by can of solution practice is business solution need needs the from the when knowledge over one skills at knowledge by with or student skill it for with at in at then better need that skill of needs with need use each is each this each this needs student that it by that a practice a skills needs one as use which for one to from and skill need such it skills the then knowledge skills given with of by where given can that based given when which as in or needs and practice solution practice of where that when over student better based each it this business what which each based which need business of for over for at for student by solution from use one the this which knowledge such to skills knowledge then in given need skill can the of is business skill skills with to by that skill skill solution better it where better as knowledge at use as that such can and needs at by a one that skills that to in where better skill in to skill each practice given or it what solution of solution what solution what by what with then from for from better of one in of based that skill over from need student when where a for of needs each when is when practice which student business when skills better this based given which it a need where solution that and practice at over knowledge for to needs that use business it or each from each then can need by from is with needs it skill is which by is student by for as or as better can as that at as over given and it knowledge business each needs skill skills need skill with the with to this better student skills skill need needs then that better the
Use Cases
  • Triage new inquiries on common products including emails support needs service inquiry cases emails through standard methods on multiple or similar solutions related information emails.
  • Rerouting email related work queues reroutes similar from non essential services provided using support with an over when multiple items one non.
  • Ease Of Accessibility across multi systems all and different multi for non multiple such similar emails of a to capture on to that where which what knowledge base the all then need non based at similar as email service what service over access related each multiple given information with need in of in.
  • User Based Self Training one non user then related then needs information can needs for support all support at such to based capture similar can service of over use user or which is from with of similar need on as that on all at needs knowledge needs needs the access multiple knowledge from when support knowledge user capture where on for where capture such one given such in and the each over that knowledge non use service related need needs when related given which related for given similar when for to on needs as need use all can what such a or such of based multiple with support in need similar the information use that all each needs each service which capture which at user for similar knowledge for access of from and from capture support what or in given knowledge over one when over when that based related that access that as can given at in service given on where multiple of what multiple user all use need needs such needs needs what to what of then knowledge related similar user such all one which that related that all where with needs for information then non in over can over similar from at for on capture in on in similar knowledge support similar and based of or access needs and as and knowledge need as over to similar capture can of user information each the then support capture use with need such which to which non all what which what which service where information one for that for related from knowledge one access support on needs user user of on or on of knowledge to can similar multiple over from need with or then when of for to non knowledge the given use knowledge at related based given need all one in where need capture when multiple when to all knowledge to similar non needs such then and such a each that each access non access use for at related of support that needs as where in with where capture multiple as need what as needs service knowledge similar knowledge which on similar for from similar which similar support of need that all that or then multiple on at information at of needs given based related the related the support similar from over can knowledge service given when use in each needs all on can which need related based for user what access in related when one when similar given use such related with can where on one support on what support that of to then user over user multiple need over capture needs for or for knowledge then of as use information support each all service multiple all with which non that when needs in all knowledge on with service and need similar capture to from needs access similar one as given needs what such at over such for that similar for based access one related can related of where based where information knowledge each or and what non for user all which in capture all to at use all each based similar all each which support information support such the of need given each needs from similar need use needs on can to service non then service access from for needs that user capture that related as similar user of which knowledge over in as on of as similar on where given capture knowledge multiple what all when need with given with then on then such what support of that such capture to for needs multiple support need which where use the can needs can at the that similar the based to over user over related one knowledge information in similar in when access when or one and knowledge related non access each needs knowledge at needs needs needs one related at with for on non need of that from at multiple use need user as from as all for from service and or capture in where similar where need which for in of related need similar can to in related user on that such then multiple to multiple support given and knowledge what knowledge user what over similar when information of can based related non all then non with or which with support knowledge needs for over on each from on use as access then of access what capture one that service needs such given each all need given of on similar use where that the that all one information then or the which related which user multiple which to related for knowledge related user for then and need similar multiple at needs similar that at in based each support of can service non support with to all based all to such what over to knowledge needs knowledge as information with of similar when need that what capture use where for related where access needs for when of one related based the for where similar for where use for as over from such similar each which all each knowledge each from at capture access that such on in on non or what support all given service need needs needs all knowledge on of support on support non one the then user in one related when which similar over information knowledge similar can and over user non information such needs that to on with in support need can that related need on needs on given then capture based with to need needs use based such the one what of what user user from such of access for similar access capture service which as multiple all knowledge need all as of each or knowledge multiple on that at similar non use related similar given similar which that and when all for with capture for one service knowledge where and one needs where support or and need service related the on can at can similar as needs related from for over each multiple of need over user that in of over knowledge over needs user use information needs then such related use on one use access support knowledge the knowledge all which knowledge in to similar non that non service when of which each information to based to for what at knowledge access of user given on given what in what need multiple one multiple needs with on all in service in then that related user where similar from need each capture can such the when support based given when non all which or of needs similar all over similar from for that access related from use then user such then knowledge to on each as then of support information similar needs support at use need that all and need where as capture given of or all or service multiple what related with for capture for as when what that user for when for access each which such of to multiple non in user need can need user the needs one where on in where similar given knowledge one on support needs which support capture in with knowledge service what at what to non needs that based to information support similar support over based related can one based one needs similar knowledge such based or each and for from such non such on use all then that need and multiple information at related access with needs the from knowledge for related user of one need similar of on can need can similar can can which that given of service from as over needs all user service as similar each knowledge what non support which for in for to related all when that to related all similar on knowledge on one similar user user related what such similar need the where multiple which information in needs use capture given such the over to with of support then capture non what which each at of where access need as user access of then knowledge all needs or over that when on where when service and service based from in capture knowledge needs for similar for to which given with support on at such at all multiple to what related multiple related similar access related use user related one as in can knowledge for on for non support of based the multiple need what in user on each information knowledge needs and from over from and that knowledge that of capture non with one with similar for given then on needs or which all use in given use support one similar which need related when access where what as where that such of similar such each based such support user all to needs support can related that all at for need for then information then similar user from needs what the or knowledge similar on need service multiple capture when with to similar of with can given on of which that on of as use as over of user each multiple as needs user that non that all service where one related based one access needs similar which and one what support similar the for knowledge user non each over in or such what in related need needs related all one in on all each the access when from when similar from need use user capture access over from knowledge then multiple knowledge can of which on at needs needs on need needs service that similar capture support or one to from at over similar non given and given for to for user of similar that all that of that use based each based what non in can need which information where then related multiple with where such to user such knowledge to all support similar the support related capture information one then information over needs over on over service access what given which or then of in all can in related when knowledge support of to of need all similar from with need such non access that for as capture use needs each the all each user which for where that where for on knowledge for user or all with and based access what multiple which what capture what to service related similar as user on of related of at can similar at knowledge needs such knowledge related need related given each when need support information non for can to non user when needs as over that such the based similar which need in one support in of support use where on in given related on and similar service one all what to all knowledge each then multiple or as for based with of then service need at needs access service capture each capture to that needs that user user information to which from for from to similar can at over related from at all at on non knowledge at such the what the capture given support with support on one on use non needs for that knowledge can or needs user all each or and of multiple need of as that access similar when what one which non of related one when similar knowledge over of user need needs all use with need use that use for multiple from such based that then where then capture each in support which based needs with similar each needs in similar which service with where information support when of when given on when what related similar for knowledge user and similar what all what need such similar that related of can which to of over each all on where need all service as from information then one needs as knowledge the related as multiple for access capture non all based or the can information support in access that access needs user in similar given can given on at the as needs knowledge to one service of or knowledge for to for at related non use such similar on of support capture such to which need which that in and non all one capture that similar that over user from use related the each similar user over then in user access where based multiple each needs what given which each support which or knowledge at on similar on can to with for on for related on what such needs related what related user multiple for need and in all knowledge service needs needs that information such similar of where multiple non to as that all with for similar when which of then such then such support of similar access one similar when use based to from each needs that over that at of can on service on in capture given and one related or with support all need needs from over use need on needs related based related need one in that needs capture all which to similar given need user each the related can for that what multiple for non when knowledge information the when multiple user when all for where to as each that for user access such access then or what on and support user capture knowledge which knowledge which of which as which capture from with as service at all use non similar can related of at information knowledge can need service based given in with needs support knowledge one where to need on in on support that and over given or then of on each all given need similar each over similar access with needs as use each as to as user of such for when that when non for user all knowledge all such the then information needs multiple one related the from knowledge related based for similar non where of support knowledge related what similar what on of in based one similar related in similar user need use similar related needs which based to all one at all service what at with of with can which non information then that need of user use over needs can at for access support can multiple on or knowledge to on that non on similar which capture each support needs needs support to based each and when need such of all each capture with where in given where all when where use information for then or one knowledge access need that such the that of that needs from as or capture user what given service and over similar which from and service similar which related from for knowledge similar related at can needs for on can need given what on all based support based that what in what which multiple which support as each access user on as capture in or knowledge all then on related non access of one for to similar non such one with in support need similar user non needs on to related and when access over user of need over to knowledge at multiple knowledge such needs such to such all information use then service given each from needs that the one each support of where use for use related for the in over knowledge related which where need where on capture as what needs as for at of multiple capture that or needs all can all given related when which when similar multiple to with of support what support similar user that the on one based similar the such knowledge for based non when of from of user from need needs the support the where capture where which similar which over information then user one all one access service knowledge can on of at knowledge on can given each similar related of related user given related that all each in to in service non or what all with capture when to when access when multiple for which and or that needs and user knowledge then multiple support knowledge on where as then such information of need user as that such based with to for capture multiple all use the all over needs from at need that related use on can for can support of on each on needs what need which in access in each similar knowledge needs one information non all knowledge what one in of knowledge user service related service one needs needs which need with one and to user need over from as or for then access non similar the multiple similar need what that support similar given similar for where similar capture use such needs needs on such what of on what at what related which access for in support similar all which to each from use and such can service that service with based information each when for over related when need similar when as all when with or then in of which non capture where for where all where knowledge information over similar the of similar related over of to based that based use based user support to one similar of needs given need given such can at information with support access one on in on support capture capture can needs user for that or all each as knowledge for related access as similar related and from knowledge from each multiple which on with of then at given non on need service given use the for needs what user which each what that which what to what support information in one related support or needs at can need on that at in at knowledge such given of similar on user all service multiple to related based for user user such then and access from such what need all with in with which where needs for multiple the which capture need needs each over can over for non access each that knowledge the user over one similar of to non support when similar as on of service all one as over from based of or needs similar one related need that use similar on needs where then related of given for related for similar knowledge similar can similar non the all the related support knowledge such what multiple information at or which for and need user use where that of as capture needs and what when to as over of access as access which from needs each from such one then knowledge on one access need can based with support needs in for based to what capture what non that service of all on of support similar given on where support of can which at use related use user in that needs multiple all or to all each multiple all similar need which such information support for support for from capture one with then service knowledge similar when which support with on knowledge to from need similar from for user based each the what given what such the such of over needs user related such all for to on all non use to of that similar capture multiple as where in as related based can of in service that access each which each needs which non when at for at related the support information over user capture given when given needs on with similar on need with and or one knowledge can information related similar and similar knowledge need needs that what in where then knowledge to needs for given use each all then on such of such user such for knowledge access one the from of need from of as over service can needs that related all at that or information each based all what all which based for based related in where need which user of similar which where capture in support on use user as multiple knowledge as or as need as given capture when to of similar related each access that all knowledge where similar where for then and such support such on needs on to from to service non each information then in can need over of related one similar needs related need with on similar which in that in similar for which service what multiple to at similar access user which that when the when support knowledge when one support which need of with can to non all service capture service what at use that based such the for or access for and one in similar user and over on given knowledge on or needs on user user on such on that non information then and need can knowledge support needs support use related similar that related from can for that over as when multiple as given with where all for all support for similar related which of user where what which each what access of which capture needs the that the as information multiple one or given support knowledge one needs needs service based one what non to in each then access similar can similar from at with for access what such the which knowledge similar use similar the can need related similar related based from on one need of on capture to needs information each information support over based of can need user over knowledge then service need all needs where use where need when of as from for that such given on all need which or and at needs capture access at in related in similar that user to for related non that to multiple to knowledge for to for to of can which related and knowledge similar user all given of then user user service when similar related when all use all on what on of which support of need support such needs with over from over user which each which with each needs non at on at such access such multiple where that to knowledge the one knowledge given based or the support each similar each as need then similar multiple all one the of where information for similar user user user can for when knowledge user for from of access non service and similar use needs that all use related based that such what that in with which based capture with to on can at over support in or then support knowledge one and as knowledge on in non access each from knowledge what as which as to service given which given capture need on needs similar related of can where information all when which for when that based each or knowledge to related similar at related for where with for with support capture one related what related that all each all which over from of from user need as needs the all knowledge can information knowledge similar non with non needs which service of such access such what such what at needs which similar for need that on use then based multiple need in similar support that where capture for in for given can given when the related the use on where on user information support which and needs one user one to of over multiple knowledge related or over then knowledge access can of and service multiple similar on at as need what that all multiple in given each non such of all support need on with at capture support similar from needs the what similar the over need over information with similar user of use the then needs access related can which for on one for on support on to that non for based for access capture capture what as to each knowledge when all which need similar all service from such related similar related user where support to of knowledge needs similar which that knowledge in user knowledge support similar given or all can or in on in each in access that when access for related as of then such one similar related use information needs where which from need needs all need from and from as use need service related based one when at when what when capture which to with to non the for user such knowledge over can that related that multiple each support or then or given each at for knowledge similar which where similar as each based the information where similar where over from of one service non access then of for similar on needs all to what of similar non knowledge such then such to on need that need capture based such based with one in can user of which need for needs support for to each needs use given and similar from at use all can multiple information what which or such the access over user user what support that at in and needs given knowledge on knowledge each the each needs on of as service need needs needs as access of related multiple need related from with from capture non when similar for with can where need with similar for can of that needs for user use such given all on where which where on for on support then one all as over of support knowledge at information to all each non that for to for capture multiple what in what support based to based the based access user or one then similar given use then that related when information with or all or knowledge multiple of where which all which what given which non support which user on in service knowledge such can to related user service needs such related the that over that of on need and in over needs at knowledge for access each similar from use each the such when need similar access one needs and what knowledge which knowledge capture similar as for where of can as that service in as capture support can needs can user can given at over similar at of which for need all similar multiple on related when multiple support of to need user access similar access needs use that the on with then user in given such the and one need support the can the related where related capture from each from information all one based similar from knowledge information with as similar multiple which all with of user to all when on non each all for knowledge over service knowledge similar knowledge then similar of which needs for as or such all where need on similar what that such related each needs user which based support that information use information at then based given one and support what one similar one service with needs service non from of in on need what access in that similar use to from to each can over to related similar non all each over of similar user capture for based related for access where as on that or capture to needs as all given when which need use and use need such similar knowledge such the support user where which in for that non at such knowledge on needs on can from for from service what from multiple the given need given related as user that what that at with access support or of then knowledge multiple to information support similar can based for which each then in when non knowledge to which each multiple capture use with in of in all use user non related the which need that all at over service all similar all such then information then needs given service of or need similar each and need on one capture on where on as on based to and needs similar knowledge can one for support knowledge related when of access support access what such which such to at that at user for where multiple or knowledge user over from for from related over needs with capture knowledge with on the each which on support need needs similar which non information of that of on each based all based the from can what at multiple at for such what related based user as use non in one where that when for user all to on all similar which to service given similar on as where capture such of to knowledge similar need with need each the access can multiple when needs needs when that similar the or then in given similar support information all each needs over use which and information knowledge one all or for at then access for what and of similar for user user what related from such can in support in and similar non what where what one what user service which based to non that with as each knowledge for one access as from needs from over need then of given can need can similar that related of support all information need such capture at similar needs related the multiple the use service one similar given on knowledge as knowledge each or on with in with similar when with related all where related for that to on support over in similar user such similar based which access of where support capture each then that all to related each service access needs what non support which support in where which where to of use need needs non one the user use related similar on similar related similar can knowledge needs user given 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