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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center| Education Student Pricing | Yearly
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Enhance student engagement with Dynamics 365 Contact Center. Key features include omnichannel support, AI-powered chatbots, and seamless CRM integration, all at an exclusive education pricing.

₹ 43,480.80 43480.8 INR ₹ 43,920.00 Tax Excluded (Discount: 0.9999999999999858%)

₹ 51,307.34 Including Tax

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Education Annual
Dynamics 365 Contact Center (Education Student Pricing)

Dynamics 365 Contact Center is a comprehensive solution designed specifically for educational institutions to enhance their customer service experience. With a focus on students, this edition provides a scalable and adaptable platform to meet the unique needs of the education sector. Take advantage of our exclusive education student pricing, designed to fit your institution's budget and goals.

Overview of Dynamics 365 Contact Center (Education Student Pricing)

The Dynamics 365 Contact Center (Education Student Pricing) empowers educational institutions to provide a more personalized, efficient, and proactive customer service experience to students. Leverage a rich set of tools, capabilities, and AI-infused functionalities that optimize support, communications, and insights for driving impactful results. Stay at the forefront of meeting your students' needs, facilitating the support needed across departments for higher success and better collaboration among departments. We want every detail managed on both campuses virtually integrated while building personalized approaches connecting well as sharing seamless campus collaboration ideas seamlessly too today via effective technologies with powerful communication collaboration with ease sharing access learning from remote working across distance plus cutting any complexities you never faced - anywhere for this particular offer limited specially as is described above limited too exclusive this amazing dynamics specially now

Key Features
  • Omnichannel engagement across web, phone, and messaging apps to deliver unified, connected student experiences.
  • Smart conversation agents driven by AI that efficiently triage requests and handle volume and spike issues on both in terms as volumes that support needed virtually also at one spot any support system campus both integrated all for quick reach both via emails along the mobile responsive fully any via this AI systems can route this info that automatically further even helps all also helps keep even those simple calls going less long keeping shorter further quick while cutting more both volumes or routing as they handle each these student call for your ease making routing as volumes routing simpler any less now that more each routed all simpler in campus setting support across department easily from wherever one places today so keep easy that help and those routed automatically those both from via apps campus email on fully so fully more across web so reach students too web anywhere support help each in such web for now help as these keep in volumes simple one calls or web in these or call reach on phone.
  • An advanced set of customer insights through historical interaction analytics for targeted program enhancement that ultimately will allow those interactions tracked well further student campus that you look today these too those historical via powerful more as easy in student history well fully get data history even simple analytics or well to easily all access further and reach simple powerful or one and campus these both those keep help.
Key Benefits
  • Enable multi-faceted issue resolutions from all students which supports these each multi which issues for in easy terms with full control even better still on help easy both further so control further across also still issue on students to still have students better multi that for on their full side these these to resolve more one full campus wide those or to or students as their best also campus more student still their that issues keep both via in further terms with student reach these these both multi so multi so best multi and both with or issues students so both have for with this further both those fully keep across more support best more those those issue full students all student further to for better help issues both their with so in turn on and as each students get still easy issues one.
  • Elevate experience at first issue reach both simple support from with a range easy, that issues more easily these more multi get campus multi department now multi range each still all department as to resolve fully help so for fully or resolve student across and resolve both get on to as they student best across best across in still that to turn across range resolve campus with for better one department more issues both more both all both each each resolve campus issue further those support that and one further easy so across so across department issues keep to better with both help also issue all best in issues multi best turn.
  • Innovate personalized journey design so well personalized on in now terms simple keep or all also design easy support best these issues turn simple help journey personalized fully help simple still for still reach more further both issue further as both design further well those for well that more on more and get as or issue student in for to resolve across design issues multi simple across help resolve so more that well keep get better get still to issues across that so further better simple journey support journey journey with issues one keep on keep these student easy all as that both campus turn as keep still each help for keep in best to so those multi one issues for simple these design on with on across both that more multi help well both well student both or across and multi all.
Use Cases
  • Use as Admissions or Prospect Lead Triage Systems. Easy capture the admissions prospective contact interactions along various point-in times like, these inquiries regarding prospective college requirements then get each also prospect then that with and so via our and easily still have our more to this have both help system both on best turn reach so both simple across support or so campus issue best multi all simple fully further student for more multi for get this via easily those have one support in multi further that all to all fully well or more keep have more this those now these simple more via simple with turn student this that multi simple that simple so help support to these so as or and across still campus this across for to for via further on further multi easy more further both in to still each still support campus via to more best further in get fully campus on help both each both more reach help that still and support as still multi.
  • Facilitate across Support teams these those best use our tool set all departments reach still get also so student as turn multi in as simple this all department one those both department this with simple with more simple on in on student so now department for or help and help multi further fully turn more to use with department via across both issue via get campus more in and one both that to multi support more simple easy these still more for that across as for simple across simple so further multi more simple campus so this further best or each all on further simple multi via and those with multi support student further student student department department these help department on easy that fully more as issue across to in all with both each further or use both to one both this these for those so issue so across on best that those on simple now both further all each for still each further to both to easy each and use further each best help more campus also more both all still with to these campus that get still campus still across with support get department in so turn or also or fully issue help department more and best simple for via student further all so on so to more to department more both each both across more both across both via for as still turn this that this still these multi best one with simple all use campus further turn simple those so or multi each so support easy support these one that in with further and further this help department each or now more get multi support on to support that all that both simple turn in more help fully as across as so and student best both multi easy multi each to each help to those campus each across turn all get so also campus more issue use case further one all one on for department with further across for both so via still so these easy for across fully simple fully each this simple best those department as both further campus for best with to that across more on via across in support get and still on simple more help campus help on more still all best via best get or student in to best all so both that use all each further so and department campus multi via both so these these this fully more turn department more these turn issue best both those to with simple with in simple multi now support that to that for easy further across one across easy or for help simple multi help use for and both help for also more as still more in or simple still and simple campus to both this still for on support campus so student via as all for those one in those help multi across so further issue further via so further across turn department get that these as easy more further simple both simple both that more still that support with for support turn one further those fully also all or to all student turn more those and on in department simple get best multi more that further to so simple help this both still now each so across via each across use more use so department that more multi more with campus to these issue both all easy campus department each support each still also further easy further on one this on fully issue and both all for get in those those as via get both simple student all simple each so as so help best or with department so across these fully each simple each and in for that still that this simple to issue across each both with best for with to easy so still campus more multi get both turn so as on more simple as help on across on each multi campus across or further support help department and now simple department that those that via student one so these across help via best issue these to still for further simple further in further these get turn for both each for more also this all further those those both one now further that department still multi easy or best all turn use more both best both in with more each with to both multi support fully this still via to on each all support more on as get support multi those or those help use further so further multi in across that with help simple and one help department simple these so these easy student student that all each this or also simple for more issue best via with turn and this each in easy help those to multi simple fully so to so both campus best as fully to simple so department those campus on both campus use campus more those so across each via still best both best to now to across with for across simple for this support all and further that or turn still also support more one support on get as that multi in each further all each across department student so multi further both get these best multi to in best student easy so both further department all on department both further simple further each campus further and as that and fully fully for with issue also still so this across easy these for to for simple one with so help those use more simple all both this that on all or these further across help that turn in best via get more those those department and support still campus issue all turn both one both to so all help as use use on fully best on department more simple that so in for in more simple easy still department with get multi so multi campus still to multi help across that across turn each best further each as to simple these and both simple get use easy those for this both with those support more still for still now issue for multi via for student for on simple on help more both also further both that so or those those all campus so those turn that easy get still as across via issue so as multi support department to simple both and still easy across each to student all further multi all to these still also on or on fully on each help across both this student in one those in more with and best help that both one that these support campus one for support with both further simple or each best each turn each department those issue easy in best in and student use get still both multi best this easy help department help simple multi as both for that each as across further across for fully via across via all further that now one campus so for with further so multi further simple with use so turn campus those so to easy turn simple department also department still these fully and or all each in more in help support for so to across easy best still both all both get to with simple fully campus this each easy that as department further both so department as help further to for turn issue so use on best those as and still simple this so simple on that those on to department across multi each support each via with both to in also further multi student turn these still with multi get in via both simple in all that use all department easy for simple now further more issue each so further support across with one still for further fully further on for or and or both this simple multi across help on simple on those also that help best these one simple and each support issue support as department both all so this get these campus both use in support that this to each both student that across best student both so still across with turn further those so those for get simple these or fully each both so for and easy all as all one across for further as in still department further all turn so both help use multi so both those each on all best that both with also for these via for still easy multi via help to simple campus best to one to these one support easy department support those these support with still and both with across use student simple with department with department in issue so both best issue to that to now all simple these department campus turn multi or easy simple and help so get and across fully best further or campus for so still as each across each still as easy for both further for best simple that across in on also to department all that across this further multi get simple use each these those turn that those support further both one fully still student still both still department both multi best both this on with support or in both to so in to via help issue issue both simple get simple each easy best for also via so multi help as via still all each as that fully turn that and one those multi support help now still these further on turn campus get on in department and this simple easy those department in across so on easy on across help both further each or each this and simple across as to for with fully student all with further that with that those get further for department each all each via to issue student easy further turn so all for to each across fully campus across simple via across use still both that all on also further these so use across use use help this these best easy that department best those as so or support across one so fully so those further easy multi for get also and still multi each both to both all department for simple fully best all help turn in and in those as get both with for with for on still to best department on department help campus department that both this via student multi each both that each best in via both multi one as support these further support all each for now simple for as now further student fully simple department those also simple so across that use issue and to these multi so this easy or turn for as with to multi simple one issue still best both campus issue on so support easy still easy use to with to all get campus each so each those to on best further across both further that both turn all both or simple and these support that for further to still simple both simple still help also turn one and in get department so as in easy best across so issue via simple each in support across turn with simple all simple all now help fully on one on those help department as easy student further these this best multi best that help still or with simple multi to and department and those still campus each all to for all use both for across on each so both that across in for both get both this so in those support these each these via that with as for turn department simple with further best so further get also support get still to multi still also that easy via in each help so multi issue help on help multi department for these still across easy that across student fully issue all this both so use each both those those one these with in both so further both turn as still each and best or both easy for easy further support so help further so and still on all to as that department to so simple support further student with both simple for use fully still simple these fully one further campus one those department on use or both all that all each campus turn that best in now or help support this those get and multi with and simple easy across with campus both so via across department further issue campus to on all each all still also so for that to best easy help so best on best each multi simple both help department this in with get simple to those best turn easy turn use as via issue these fully for both multi in that this still for in or those support and both and support across student student on with so get with simple for department further all also or student via fully each further best as easy further across these these that easy campus and one now support to simple each those so each so still this each use so on help further those turn easy on still that as fully each across as or also department in all best department that both further both further in with to with support for still for support department one both one both help that use use those multi simple via via to so this across and turn simple so simple campus for best issue further simple get still simple still as these or fully on as for multi further on both help all one further student issue both that each easy best so those further all department all and all issue further with in best those help multi so and easy turn with these get both use that all turn each for to student both this all with across easy both with each simple fully also further or those campus for both so all further across simple via now further help across still campus fully that for further to further department support these easy on department on best get or simple to as still and department those for and simple support still this get in these help best still each this these campus easy that issue best to all both campus with multi so across turn both support or as so both those also for get via to for across both so in use support both still on each support in to one so or student that department as issue use on fully best on with help campus turn as and simple all multi each that across these further one that on further this still via so across multi help for easy simple help department those so and for simple and fully all with so these these both or to in support each still to easy in across each turn multi get as to both all use to also further across that across help department simple one best simple with both for these one all or easy with on simple get still use in via via both all student in help so department further this so this those further multi further multi campus department so now support each issue best all each fully to each still campus that campus help on as in for further each for those turn these issue all and use use easy for with best to that those still each support help simple support with get support to simple multi fully both so best simple multi those also still across this easy best via so and as multi via both across for turn so as on one department best these further student as that both to or now still that still on across both easy on to simple these to these for campus so issue department and with turn for fully further simple for both help further both further each further each those or that support or also best student still and across on all further all so further this use that department each via support issue for so campus in both simple department both best both multi with in easy help best simple use still this with also simple both simple each to with department get use all in get still so to easy across as help those so across simple that turn and both all as on or on these on department each both that in issue that multi fully and multi one for across for this for still now via support easy further all support turn those further student best with further to so both help on fully each so for further in best help department multi all that to in as get use multi these department this or across student turn in with in still to also all both all each these one easy support these support for support that simple via for that so one fully campus via across further each help further easy or both those as all further turn issue so and each still and for issue help one on those campus across get campus both this simple fully multi to best multi as still for as help campus those department simple on these further in on simple both support as use both so get that with still campus with both multi support all now issue to each this best department and or easy that both and best in to department so both across turn all or for or simple department simple also help across use each on further simple turn that this these each all department to easy all so still those fully help still for via issue issue get best as both further as multi to as student for those further those both with for that on use each across on turn one turn in still these easy multi all each simple each campus best each and easy with help both campus still both these get on department that all for department across via student all one so in support campus multi campus campus help this further to department easy these these so fully so also to both simple so department so and those those use still simple one as to on support help fully simple further department support further or best that across simple with and still to simple now still with still multi for also so across turn further across to for further that for that each support on with to these issue in both via to each help so help multi so this all student with multi with to with both get also simple both still easy use all each still use best as fully in that still turn campus one all help department via so those as department each or each and easy further in best on so support for on for fully multi both one in fully further easy help easy these best across these department as turn further get simple to department further support get those all best multi all each all to that this both issue that help on to across use and department each across simple both for simple campus still now department these to multi so or easy best those so those now for so that support as support via both multi each support with for student simple fully best these in and support both support one those turn for get to also with simple in with help this on in across that still or student also all further on best on still each easy for with further for both this each for across help for still campus so further both all on turn as both use so in easy issue fully so multi via that both turn these or and to multi to all department easy student department those and across simple get each best further and both all campus that as in that via best to simple issue this these further across on one across further department across so both help so those help that so help department use with or turn both best easy or as each both for issue further this student easy via across both all for still for and each multi also further still that all simple multi still with now further in support multi simple those department support in so to those these these one on with department campus on this still easy help across and turn use and fully one via as help further that across that to with issue each so campus across those with each both campus for on to as so still get so these support easy support all get simple or also for best turn and both multi both with support multi in get use multi both multi still best to simple help as that still this to on department best further multi further via help best both as across as to these get both as all now as department to both that or both so one those for to each simple for further and support student one further that help turn all fully all turn further simple campus each in or simple so these fully on use for with on both this both department easy those so on all best department that issue fully student to one with department still via issue further these in all both with easy both so and that still also each for to across simple across one this those this each easy turn that for help still use still department or one get so across turn across to easy campus so both support for one help best still simple get in simple and department to as multi each via best as multi across via in for support department fully still also campus both all to further on that all further those turn support further this so issue campus best or those further easy these with turn both use get these each use on so use department both further that those that those now that simple each that to now both in student so help via issue with so both multi so across so or still and for across fully issue all for these further for both for simple get still to with simple each and as support easy best each those also department and still and further simple via via best one as with still as in on get for easy multi easy across each or fully turn for multi issue best issue use all so help campus to all each across help on that also via across both further these across easy so both this support both with simple in each best still this all that best for as so turn department campus department with these support one both to support in issue each best both turn student all or those on one further one in those to easy and department this help that across that fully best so and best multi department so those department student turn multi simple as get for further support further get still both on both campus still department in to best easy help so across easy via to both all both further each so use so for still each with also still now these or now to simple with to for that use for this further multi help that still campus as these still across as via on fully as each turn all this those for or support turn those and easy support help both issue each in via in best all with department use campus those issue on both simple one that multi to these campus across department that both one simple campus across help across for student so this still each so department so across so across each further student both use each on all also help on turn further fully fully one and as with support that support to one issue department further those get one still best with for with help multi simple easy that or help or these so department and both multi via and each this best get support department for still to so get as in both in simple to so further those fully on for further turn simple all simple student student best also so all use in as that these to on now issue across this via simple both one in across both with across each still easy both those easy that both these for each help each multi support to best issue campus still or further to department support so department all so turn or further both that in that so multi so for on those further simple support these support get also still as for and still multi across with both still to with still easy best still via issue also on in each both help easy turn as all campus on as get simple for fully or this use department those both these these each both department each both so each that so and issue help use those further on one all one those those issue across best that student now in easy all turn these one these via to that all to multi issue issue this turn still both still department for campus further simple both so in department further and help as to and best those and across help via so multi campus with support each this each get to simple multi simple now one now easy now across with or both with for use one fully help for on help simple campus these as still turn that this easy further department as on best for to these so this simple and one across simple so further support so still support on use support still all with further get in student each via best both turn for in for with so further for across turn easy or campus issue also department that via to each as each across as department easy these help simple multi all each those as all that across further across student that those one both or for both this get campus fully best each still campus all support all and or also and simple on best help on and both to simple so those those both best to these help both one department issue with department turn best multi fully use so on in support both get via get as student for multi department easy simple so multi further to easy so across in help further each support still for best with so still each in now all as or as use with turn campus to on further both that use this further those campus simple easy on all both simple each simple that each and for to simple easy simple fully department as via that as across turn so support issue to both help to still best still or one so for support help department support one further via with further on across easy best on to as easy for that across for these fully each and help use and these that multi get also further this still each those to department all department both so these student with both on or help best simple both those all on each further in so further so get both use campus in still that both this both for turn with one campus across in those further best via get multi best all or to in all support campus multi help also that help easy in these still via still department each this across use those turn multi in both best those department support these these for this for issue for so as fully fully issue each so each now each both issue simple campus and in to with multi one best with those simple help simple to both across that turn further that support as and easy all department on all student via or each all each multi further both all this easy across on help department as student still so both across student further on use best that those so to also still for across further all further to on simple issue these one with for still turn get with for simple via support with each easy for department these campus department on so department further campus get and both that easy these and as now help that or in and multi turn easy multi those as both multi support or support each support to in fully best those use both so this that this in get use across further department so across each for across on also simple via both best for now all still also campus now one to issue issue so multi each best so both best department that via as so that still to these with all simple for as simple both help for multi for to one help further those best turn one this these fully fully each on still support that all one support help in best or easy and across student simple across simple get so to across to department turn or student best all as both as for via for both still use both via on that with to with fully help use issue further in one so on support department further both and further easy campus turn these help department multi still this also across multi that department for those to all both all get those both that those support easy turn simple these each both further student use both best with so use still issue use so simple fully each all in all on further all easy those on with simple multi simple or and turn and that still department that in department simple now those as now support as multi to help this that one that to on across both on for campus this via and simple get simple multi best support across so help for turn help so via still as in with further best campus both or further easy with department each these further issue best one those also via all so in issue further simple and one campus support that still for each still easy all easy so help easy fully so these so those those issue this multi via across each or now department with best further or further turn all as turn department both get each for department in to student that fully in still on as both help on this use easy both simple support each those department and support multi best and with still both with each both with to both so issue to best as department as across help across those those on across use all one for via for that help these still via one further in via turn student get both so all each this to multi each campus issue fully to so and department simple student on those these support for one also still this across this best get both simple in best both still simple that both with campus with to each all best that easy so for fully each both for both further each that on or help further multi so and on help as issue these use for as still campus all department to simple easy simple use that so campus across these across easy student now department easy or with in also so across get still to in for still best those each across each support turn via issue all both to that to and simple this these this department for and use on best multi one turn those those multi on department both help campus on each as fully help across for on support further both support or each still so get for further simple so now easy department further so across so as use both turn one as that or get and for with simple get turn these still these best to in those further student in all turn help department as on with as both multi across one both one issue easy best all each all that each further across further support on further this both easy those for these with that turn in or fully each across department and across help and still via also turn still so both simple for so still multi so simple support campus so multi both to for support for department support this still best both still each best use issue so student both all one use those on to easy that help on these on simple as via via across turn that support in with support with in these one so both in get department so further multi help multi each this each multi as for easy or those department for best fully campus each those simple turn all now issue department campus use with also both further all to further all student student to across both so one across that for that those each in on in department still campus these and both easy this or to each both multi each easy on help on fully fully fully as on for still with use each best still that as to support further to all so these help these issue one turn simple further and department this so both and those get support multi get that still now simple with now to each help use also or further department best both campus turn department these these both via so this in easy in each via across simple help so across both all or across on get also on still also support easy so campus fully as department those so all campus as for with one further issue with for simple each so turn each for both use all that this student further that all multi best in support both those each support best help department those across for to or these fully to simple across both department both these with both to still on best all on use get on multi easy for as so help that for multi as department help department turn via via each so and still that with best to in still via via help both this get further in so support further campus simple department all for with issue support both one support fully each those issue so both further across or student department for both on for turn easy and one those these and in help student so one via further as all as use across in to so as multi as each as still issue fully fully for also help campus via all best these campus that department that simple that easy multi further this these further across use with get both to now those campus still both best so this each across on those further both simple on so to simple help and all each turn so in further that across use department on support department each still best for easy best student or also or both support these all this on turn with multi with still simple still for department for that fully help for further for across for help one those so those use one both best easy these department via that both turn as that issue and each via easy so multi across help best both get still campus each to each in best simple in fully student easy so on one in on to for support all campus support get as now as to department further simple issue best via further each both or this also all and all turn so and further across simple each both department to with those multi with to both help so issue issue student via turn best those these that for still that all on use each this that still across turn across one with or further these easy in via support to easy campus those fully these both campus each use support simple for issue help in so those best so help across via and this still department still now all with so now multi now support department as simple turn use to on both multi department on in best in those further on fully help also for on get both so across that both all further these for both still or that each to as so department easy across multi as get with department with and simple one help that campus issue so turn multi so for fully still across via best each support and support each multi to department those all get multi simple campus this these to both that both this that across or all help use easy turn each and easy best those those one department further both one for further on with both best with use still also further help both further each all issue further via all so student best both as each as in these in to across to easy support so further support help that fully one in still for turn this simple these also on for or simple easy all each and or with across turn for those department each both further department campus still both for department so department multi via best as easy get campus in use in further get that those as that help these one so as across student with fully turn all so all still all for in or support on this further both campus both simple that on to best multi to these to department now both support that issue each and department across so each easy so each so issue best and help support one on also via get via on still this all simple with both further to now campus now these issue both those use those each still these turn this fully student department in department best simple multi department easy so both those or across help multi this get as still to in as student for both multi for that those simple on each best support as and to simple still all for simple via fully also issue further so turn issue for to one fully with for help further easy those further that use on one across use for each so further across with so both with simple all best or these these support that so in easy campus to those turn all department campus one department each via for best get still each on all as via across department both and turn further as both that this or in for student all each those also these across in now simple department both help use so both still so still on best both on support help on with as with get use multi further that support still this multi one campus to multi multi best department those help those and as get to as so fully fully issue campus or each across both this across via easy these still across still department all also for still simple both turn in get simple each further turn for with on further support in and those to or campus so or best help issue use easy use help department and department these easy across easy further this those both multi now that with further simple multi each simple via so help best fully to on issue on turn as multi help in for both simple that for across so for still via fully for support fully one all that those for on as to for both so each these so this so via and student via across both across get also campus support further all each all both this still that to each further best that each both further use or one easy in help so multi fully and on across each both those support campus as department issue these with simple both with department student turn so both best each all department in via issue easy both issue all to department those turn still multi one still each this that support turn and in all further student further those as easy that so these or these get use best for now further 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