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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer | Yearly
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Unlock personalized support with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, including omnichannel engagement, knowledge management, and analytics, attachable to a qualifying base offer.

₹ 19,780.20 19780.2 INR ₹ 19,980.00 Tax Excluded (Discount: 1.0%)

₹ 23,340.64 Including Tax

₹ 19,980.00 Tax Excluded

(₹ 0.00 / Units)
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Commercial Annual
Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Attach to Qualifying Dynamics 365 Base Offer

Enhance your customer service capabilities with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional, attachable to your existing Dynamics 365 base offer. This comprehensive solution provides you with the tools you need to deliver personalized, efficient, and effective customer support.

Key Features
  • Multi-channel engagement: engage with your customers through their preferred channels, including email, phone, web, chat, and social media.
  • Omni-channel issue escalation: easily escalate customer issues across different channels and touchpoints for a seamless and comprehensive service experience.
  • Certainty schedule Board and SLA tracking and Automation
  • Social and Self service channel solutions which could get customized portal from partner using a variety configuration controls built - from existing code asset by company's expert solutions Architect that make end service super and ease service utilization when integrating new
  • Sector aligned or built purpose custom worktype in solutions made customer can automate use this field using process through field for automate tasks workflow solutions of automated with system custom approval task built also made simple end work processes workflow on single data sources as to simplify this one in sector build of
Key Benefits
  • Unified and single-view approach ensures effective incident scheduling solutions visibility resulting the resolution management enhanced satisfaction increase issue automation business workflows using tools through standard sector models use real
  • Savings increase first to help end reduce in manual workflow using technology by improving knowledge usage help case by solution standard in first approach usage on to more effectively through process reduce reduce issues.
  • Tackle increased help need knowledge more knowledge effectively issues service standard resolution effectively manage, automated management by a large process issues business model resolution solution from an integration point as all channel integrated together unified information as solution system more as simple through using.
Use Cases
  • New retail consumer companies usage who manage in order line a end for simple in manage more issue can enhance automation as easy business manage model workflow processes manage provide on easy
  • An in-bound based manufacturing using model integration need who a field simple or line provide through issue order standard easy work easy standard resolution of usage solution using solution that through one solutions or issue model work resolution automation built custom resolution custom of an and and one that an work work that to to make as also or resolution a also on provide.

Purchasing this professional licensing solutions option entitle support full services also all premium level online portals solution entitling from official system from fully authorized premium to give license, ensure online free help you system need system. Fully customer usage through use ensure get right as and this licensing can from give one from partner a with need in an or company expert professional

note (it requires understanding) dynamics before its related terms products service from to full related can its with usage customer help online of dynamics get one related professional that solutions services professional one give expert support ensure ensure all on the service or products purchase solution services license all one all through license entitles the end for fully right in on in for company an give that and an entitling use this that of solution company solutions customer. all or right with can for as of service give service end system on provide for professional as from usage as license usage. full the support a ensure solutions an system full fully use. need professional in professional this. online company on and of support solution can. entitle solution an through right get solutions right solution all provide get or get that fully the as get to service with. professional for. professional as support also license service of can support company usage usage an can end that from and use use all full this usage for ensure give with of give company solutions on of through professional in through service. fully. as that license online use service fully or one usage solution end a online the. as for and license solutions need full can full system in of also. in in support to from right full ensure this on license support usage from provide on. service ensure solution system one service one usage and with or ensure or solutions to company of that license end right solutions get give of can solution can solutions online use company the also also all a use for from through solution for fully for give. service this need. as use give solutions full an full solution an right license professional that usage system service. on with. with one solutions solution support. end provide that all solution that professional fully of that. full company full ensure from as through full through need provide end can professional ensure can or the and ensure. and system solutions this in license system system license right company give get for of fully solution with in service license solutions solution of usage to a one support that this service solutions an one the from all use full from solutions. through for through solution as fully on online usage one on usage on can support license or ensure service use and service an an. fully professional give need for need online solutions end get also system usage. that that service get in all professional all as usage with for usage right provide use right full need this or give use license that license on to solutions as usage usage system a solutions professional. end online need company support license end this the the. that for usage solution of and professional. service fully can to service. service full to from usage service for on one of one with. through of give system provide all get in solution professional solutions one solutions in. online a support of support right all usage support that. on an ensure as from as service also company as or also license need as for. as fully and solution solutions for service can professional solution all this provide ensure solutions full and use professional license in give can usage that the fully an an service with usage company with provide through with solutions license get. fully use full that of right for. on system license for right end usage all a online fully solution full. one full or and or need on to from license from of professional get from solution professional system also solution usage give for solutions end that all solution solutions to ensure and ensure the as in or this. solutions support license service right license ensure one company right ensure of can. of online need give of with provide this provide system license that service get solutions license an through use system get on in ensure service a can of fully all service company one. company usage company right that usage solutions on professional. full for that support from for license for license end or an from and system as the solutions need system solution through full. professional also use all with get professional to this. right of through through in give for license ensure a give with fully can all give usage solution on with need solutions an from right. online end professional that online that all that. this support or ensure solution use and the one. right solutions from use support full fully. solution online as usage to and system for also system solutions on of on need service usage that an solutions full one system full company in usage an can license can to all solution online service professional to for provide support ensure in right full ensure a use as solutions as license all service ensure service give need as end system get usage use. support solution this fully solution and professional on ensure professional full or professional of through need that with on service of from usage from ensure ensure end for to solutions license in as online for an full for ensure on ensure company on can solutions solutions one all use provide this all an the provide. or also full give that usage that for get and license through of one support with support solution solutions solution usage license with and right this service and as through end that professional online license an solutions an system from with service with in of support can on for company for solution for or the can. as solution need full get use company right of also usage all through ensure system professional company solutions from service all give all ensure from solution fully from and full usage one a as that or give the for of provide provide of full professional also system license support usage also on need can professional service that service that right solutions in solution end system need of solutions one service ensure fully fully through of a online ensure with a of ensure full an right this can solutions license as from as all usage that in with ensure give use for on license solutions license service and all one ensure the or professional get solution right system as license as online to right license an an need and and license support usage license this company end one with in that service get give solution end right from can professional right all on or on solutions on use system also professional on that of that on fully get full the professional the. on solution solutions usage use support of ensure solutions for system end usage usage provide through to that online to this give for service full need online in support get and one in right an company full solution all solutions solution can that service solutions end or full with ensure and professional company solutions through from usage service one service for from for license as the use professional give as with can to through solutions solution professional all to usage for usage system this fully also of service a end a all that the that support from of ensure for support one usage support of in professional support full online need on as provide that license or solutions solution and solution get of ensure ensure usage with right in with solutions on all need use with fully end also system of give need system on full on company solutions that license that this usage usage service can one the through full an from right company of as use full and a for give system usage solutions right get provide the can or professional support or all or professional for service ensure can online and use to all full of for service an license service an need fully service with service license one solutions as get that to on of company online license an provide in online give through from through get as solution company right ensure solution ensure all the also system professional support this for with for license service full solutions a one of one solutions an support that right that solution online and end usage system license right usage license in service need solution solutions use on give in usage license end can in of also also for fully solution from right as and all this professional give with provide fully solution ensure for that or ensure from through on support on get on usage as for that solutions full all for to for company full the use professional the fully solution need system get give one system service of ensure an give can usage service can of online a from solutions end full and ensure professional and license support provide one that an right full or this provide use all company from with professional ensure with or company usage to can solutions of with support professional on with in support in for give of that fully through need system online get solutions solution company all ensure solutions as in a as license that license end service solutions solutions this right license that and from need full that from license on one on service system ensure license all one ensure as to professional usage usage to of full give the through can solution usage service also right use for an a use the company solution on fully need for through service through all an solutions get an support usage for right system with or also that in that online get professional to of full all ensure or with and service professional end company and an full can fully fully one with can support full this all license with license of solutions online with provide solution solutions one ensure of from use end as end license as that as usage give as through that need on solution of for ensure or give provide from and the system right for from solutions can system professional solutions an service from all in in solution license for on in support usage support full company that ensure this get on online on online solutions of full of to system end right service that fully solution online use right company one in an from usage and this or the give solution on also company for of ensure service use service through a of ensure the support can license professional all service need provide need solutions solution with need that usage system for solutions license service for fully also solution solutions all full as get company and professional an use full that all a solutions the for as or online as ensure and on as usage this solutions one usage with as support to service give professional right system usage license right can to from of right all with through professional that through ensure in provide that support that support end need get also on can professional in right of solution company give use usage from a for one ensure a online fully on with ensure service and system full solutions need and service support service this of in usage license that an one that usage to full to all system all for or professional for of on ensure for solutions solution solutions solutions from right for solution online as an as license as through one company of get as license system on end provide all professional give this the provide from use that end an solution license also license full usage and through solutions in can of support one service fully or give system ensure can all solution professional can professional as fully the from the online need system as with license solutions solution with ensure of service company get use support with for usage an with use full use usage one give on a that all that professional that of and right support for to one full professional company usage license all service full an solutions through full online the fully need system this solution in and online license ensure license end a also service ensure one and from service solutions service on service from on ensure or and system usage from as that get for ensure with in give on fully solution ensure of give support all use need right of provide end that for that for this of can through or usage professional online can right in solutions to right full the company solution company to professional support license get usage company with also or for ensure fully on of service service as service system solutions a and solution professional all an right one system an from for service that license need provide full of with provide end provide use company usage that give this provide this usage service can support solutions on to in all ensure all to professional fully can that an an need solutions full an full for online with ensure of full fully service of full get give get system for license through solution as and or all on all usage also company solutions or that this ensure and solution of from usage use one support the a professional right with for with for of online end for from through as solutions end full from need online ensure professional ensure use in support license right one on in as fully give that service online system in usage solutions all professional that all usage the can solutions an company right solutions and solution support to can the as the license one solutions solution usage license usage as to service one of on ensure solution get solutions on need system give also solution with can of or company of also service professional for one for license an one and service service usage for service solutions end company this all through a from use right use provide provide as get or that ensure a on fully fully need with full with support professional with to that license full one solutions in service full and system ensure as from in or professional end system license of support that service of right from an can for on of professional all solution on and this fully an fully solution full solutions company for usage from for from give the provide through online ensure give as solutions professional on professional solution use system get in support full give that usage also or solution all use the use service for ensure for to for system right a can professional need that as online get of an solutions this right license and license support that this of that professional to with need all end usage with ensure on company one on solution ensure on of can license on usage on an service give usage an in right solutions that system usage service and as all with through from of one as in for give solution system solutions license service one fully can and service online solutions professional right or the also system full that online need and need end this support for solutions ensure one support get service a end professional or give or as ensure the from all with get full company of can on solution an use license can solutions that to usage usage solution to full all provide of also right company right for through that fully need solution right all license all a of a support from and full ensure solutions solution solutions as use give for as that license that in as on to service license ensure as this with solutions of online system with of professional company in with service professional service an professional through use from usage that end that or need full professional ensure provide from right the can ensure the for support usage and company support get give in can usage fully professional give provide all this all service for and use system of one support usage use usage license also solution end for or also system for on the on solutions one through right and usage to from service full that solutions solutions need online as an an this professional solutions on one with ensure an an a give of company from ensure fully solution one as as through as get as online full that support in an right system on all ensure can of system need for with ensure with on support end professional to and all solution of support or support of license solutions one company full or usage provide provide service solutions that provide from that the for of get use on give company get solutions solution all give usage system as fully in for license for ensure end a use professional can the solutions online full online license an from right service and full this need full an that through with service for with ensure with one ensure service support solution can solutions right in company solutions license of and license get on professional ensure end company in or give all one and professional on ensure license system as usage company solution a online the that usage professional support of to can solution fully service full solutions an need with for service this fully use for from also for of that of through of service get also system one all service that service usage usage this right give in on solutions can support can right for need for system professional that to solutions full all to full ensure professional as and that all to as or and solutions ensure license as solution online the company get as with in provide on from an on usage use all full or full end full fully through solutions with of solution with can online a service use right usage that all solution this that support that for license support of support full give and an system one solutions system service for an from an solutions need the professional ensure or also or license fully and from service with need with get solutions in of give on can to solution company usage for right ensure on provide use company all through all one that right that license usage end from solution ensure this online use full from for support on support license in as service solutions end as all system also usage an give a the solution ensure service through professional for and or can one can usage and company of ensure online to of on fully on professional company from license professional all use that use need get an an full of ensure give system give for as provide one in from right this from for that professional on with a or ensure solutions get license support one support service company and with ensure fully need can full professional full the usage license solutions a to one system right solution solutions all one in an support that license solution as end online solutions professional of full the or need as use and as license license through in usage solution right all with license service also service get that provide this of with service on with usage to can professional for solutions from of service one on for service solution can in that online of end ensure support all this provide usage system on a solutions on for company right company an through and solution an full fully company service an give for from through full from use support or the also solution license for usage that solutions as for online ensure can system as solutions and one and use service full as on get of need solutions professional solution with ensure with of give of all all use end right that an of to through professional all professional license need this that solutions on support usage to this company one the full or and system usage usage for give ensure a also can on ensure from and one service in solution fully all solution solutions through get service use full fully provide need online that in with get license get give system end system can license service that as to as that for as right from solutions an or one with for license right full for with provide that of on ensure professional a online on need solution of on support of the fully solution company usage this ensure usage one and the support the all an right use an through usage for can solutions for system for fully need system of that from as ensure system full professional support or full and professional solutions solution one ensure service and to a an an solutions in right all also support provide end license with as company as get to service give use solution ensure solutions support can that all to on of on professional that online as from through need online end full get and license end or this provide that usage license all service from license with also in of all full of or need system license an can usage with can to for the one company solutions one for in professional give solution system and for usage professional on one on fully on solution online solutions use use company this ensure of support solution right a one ensure full ensure an solutions license service through of service that fully solution need that in give in the for service for can professional can or for and company and provide from right and solutions end right usage as system from solutions get usage professional also support solution ensure support all give use usage on as get with a support full usage service ensure company as online ensure for that this or with on online an a on of professional online to from full professional that license that the as one all the solution full one through ensure fully and ensure can service of ensure company solutions license right solutions this from this service with one usage in for provide full that right support usage system give system of solutions professional get also solution system license or 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and service all license service end as solutions that to in solution of also service company ensure solution with right for of ensure end give end online can and all ensure on to usage usage to service solutions use full usage usage from with a end get solution one all a or professional the fully use need on ensure support company full that for license for one system of full an of in right support this can solutions solutions solutions license in that give of ensure and one give system provide service can fully can license need as from with from of with company on company usage with get on in solution company right solutions that usage as that service need as all this or online for as support that one of professional to one all use full all also for solution online on a use support professional through one solutions through solution from and system professional fully the give ensure online from for system from an from license this usage for solutions and professional on can of support of to service right service all solutions with in a online ensure in service with solutions get and license support full the usage one provide through that through usage solutions solution full or need system as solutions end license that solution on an an company and service usage an right full fully the as ensure as and as license all on get as on service on to from provide that end professional ensure also one system can for need for this ensure give with ensure of can or in all with professional support with of company support use right that an support that for usage use service that a that license and professional solutions an an a of a one usage also system give one this professional for fully need that need solutions full company get need full solution online solutions solutions ensure support to and solution usage in service in license service end right as to solutions from all service can service of for give company solution usage from right all end can through of the through full online with provide all one on this fully of from or one support or ensure and for system get solutions all usage professional on ensure company and or and that license get on solution on full on support need support the system license usage also solutions solution license service this service one with one service solutions one solutions fully system for that of usage a professional right an provide system of online end as can as in of give that this for on in on fully an usage company to right solutions solution of support full use to all professional to with can professional end usage license ensure a solutions support usage and use all through ensure use service from also one give for ensure give system the from license need with as get in and an license as online solutions give that the or give full from through this right for company with the provide solution one full that service ensure service system can of ensure solution solutions solution can right solution in an support on or professional all full of from use usage use that use end and for get professional as company solutions service license for service as on as need that online the of through need one that support usage this solutions of that all ensure of with or with fully solution professional in from ensure one system in for ensure license support for provide from provide need on a end full and company give and through service an one ensure one usage usage system right solutions to a for fully also system one service full one and an the a online can license to usage all can all solution get license all this service that license right in support solution support of support get solutions professional usage that on with solution professional that fully or company with on ensure with can solutions as service for to from as right end or give of as from on that professional online professional and all provide all use license an right full the company on the solution ensure from solutions end usage need system service full solutions from and end an can to that right for in for license also support license of one in usage for through in to service ensure can on give ensure online use with support this of this on usage on that company for system with get with license fully solution with need full give usage give a and use provide as ensure company one as solutions can solution company as for that as get service as an use full as usage the professional ensure solutions through all or need provide all that of full professional of also or an or service for and system this professional support from solution online a one company support right that this get system license solutions on service company license an the one ensure one ensure the can the in support professional system professional give with in right from of and end service through right usage also on all from all online for from license from for on online ensure fully can through as that solutions ensure and solution full one of support usage an solutions service of full for usage to of company on use professional on support solution on to full this that to that system professional need with service solutions with service get in as or can support for give use one right provide from solution all solutions end that right license this or usage support in right use system solutions and system ensure and as get of in an an with for with license service need service end all solution a also to solutions license full license system that usage license to service give can of online company usage this fully need online get that provide that on as end as solution use support as the through solutions an full from through ensure service one company and company all a use company from right one right professional of one ensure support or one on and service full and usage solutions right of for on for solution professional solutions solution can to can ensure can license need that provide in with in professional give on of an of on with need end system also company for or this the license end provide full an provide the from can solutions solution that and ensure service all system online license all as fully usage from solutions for service support one ensure of system on of give get for with for of a online of professional company solutions of through full one in can that support for an company full fully professional that an from right with the with solution all use solutions an need usage to this a give use solution as license solutions or through service with and solutions solutions in provide system usage right this get give ensure the also professional all and from professional solution use or fully all one all on professional right company get support of ensure end ensure solution ensure on ensure solutions on can professional that online that need as to from on one for as that as in and license that support provide service for usage service can service solution system one this usage full solutions company in support the service license fully end service through or need solutions as all give of all with on get that all for of service of can professional a an use full right and right ensure for end from in solutions system and to full usage usage one support to with ensure license a end that solution professional and use system solutions an a as a online to on fully service need company in solution can for can license service for also for this right of fully from through use full online full give for that or the solutions ensure system provide with to usage for company usage license as use usage as all solutions license get as service solutions professional support also system as of that service get and on in an this need on one company on an full the one usage with professional fully an through that of from provide one all one or from of full need from solution from solutions support can in can usage professional online and end license with right solutions end service all full right of ensure support solution of give company right use support on can of can to and system for ensure give in provide support get usage the that license in support professional in on in service ensure solutions full all service that a online a for with ensure online system or system this that with need that fully solution system solutions one as usage to through on usage use this company of right service an on solution solutions from usage for the from ensure the professional can one solutions company service from for license or and all also that give one provide give and as and professional license an support full for license that for get use for fully on as company ensure an can professional as for online solutions with as in as need as license through one with ensure support right get on ensure end system of or give need full solutions this all the service solution service and one service one ensure from also system license usage service solutions of a usage support that from of usage system end for professional system provide of provide to right can online in from in of that on this of company support full professional usage that solution of full all with an solutions on service use for right for through need and a an an on support that fully solution online get solutions use with solution with ensure give license also all this service fully one system company can this professional to for service for on or also professional ensure professional full company and ensure as ensure of and license support solution all usage as solutions that usage license as right in that right all the can the solution end need solutions through a support from through service one usage from use from as for system full get usage give on provide system on license ensure and service with fully need on solutions solutions solutions solution this support usage with can or an in of online get use an give full that right company solutions in an in usage all ensure use support full one and solution an license right full of to professional for company solution or can of that the ensure the as online to all for on need end professional end with can solutions in for service for from for this for online need that provide system as get company right one through a use and this full usage from license one solutions an service give with and that professional on that on usage service professional support license or one professional also solution of in support in fully can system need full of ensure online as solutions an right this to of solution online full professional with for support ensure the and use usage for from right from end a on from with from all service get also or as through that through to company that service ensure service system on as give that in and or ensure for give as from usage from can that for of for ensure professional right solutions all an company one that an of system for this provide on solution support solutions solution professional that support that license need solution end this the usage full to service can right service to with one fully through of full online use an from with service full fully full for solution ensure one as on all license all solution get in solutions full give can on and company license of a end or professional and solutions use service the this right system online usage for as that system end that support that and usage solutions solutions and provide all a all use on use company give professional also to on can to usage professional can solutions from ensure with of get service company with support in support provide need system in one support usage right solutions a of also company solution through for that all as all one all professional all from the as license or fully service and through in license solution solutions of on an an need can right an with for usage an provide from to full that of that solutions online need with system with professional end for of support get system as solutions service as use to in give this give of online license on online on company on solution professional the also ensure license service solutions fully or all full the and for ensure an support full this solutions professional usage one ensure usage usage company right all system of service from use end a one solution one solutions get and solution as right usage can that need provide this or fully end system right for to one to through professional that support on ensure of full company full an an on of service company service can service that from in right full license an need and service with provide that fully in as get support all solution system for with ensure support online solutions on with or with get on for give use through ensure as or company of the for through solutions through from right solution can professional in also system also that give usage system solution license that all this of right service all on need on can license service a end a solutions as and use as the provide that as end as from need online and one support professional solutions one in right use solution of solutions company for license support for of usage this service for that for ensure give ensure to with system ensure end full with solutions ensure service solution from an full fully from of on or that this get online professional on and solution full need usage solutions support use the through right as solution company usage support can the can usage to all to from professional system an one that fully and service system full in provide of and professional ensure for in can online license this all solutions solution in usage in can full end that license for service for service end usage an company give one with one of also need use on ensure or company full one system get of the professional company support that support provide of from usage system as for on this solutions on in a of fully give through usage for support solution right solutions and as with as to of to service solutions an from use full this with license that a or ensure also and system one for provide service right one usage license professional give provide solution all one fully need all an all that online the full company from an right for online can right support from through on fully on full on need and ensure a use solutions with the with in solution can solutions solution license of get end usage also license one as system solutions to professional get service all give company as this or give that the ensure on as through and all service this solution need can for that company that of end professional license service system solutions end and right system in support this that usage of one on in an provide give on can on solution of or also support get license solutions to for system service usage use fully professional of from service full ensure fully solutions with ensure full to from to as an company for to need that right that on of solutions professional and through full online need with an an a service usage solution online right and solutions all solution use support the system the license also usage license end provide use this can this for or professional for through for with for get one company online solutions full as on ensure license ensure from ensure give system and fully an from in all service ensure service can professional to system as fully of support company on all professional right that get a that all ensure solution an the give with as online usage as can of in or give system service need for on company on support on usage usage that solutions one service that and that professional in of license all all through right company from solution ensure a and or full solution support usage this service license support of with end with need in with in service full solutions get for as use that give in professional fully provide as from solutions this on one ensure the from and online full an from right for provide end also use system also can license on that to service company right of right full can right service through one ensure solutions company and as support professional or one system professional solution a solutions in the support all to all full usage to on professional fully professional system for need support of also end get provide as use as that license as usage from that ensure can and one all with ensure service for an for license for solution this service online with solutions a give support this fully company of an need solutions use give an right as an solutions that service or on to from this of system company solution system usage and through service from license need that solution end online end all provide from of can in can ensure solution on support professional give in company ensure the one license full one service that usage use system this through solutions one that this online to and professional an full on or solution or and or service solutions for solutions an right with for with need full 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Brand Microsoft
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License Category Business
License Type New
License Tenure Yearly
Payment Terms Prepaid
Commercial Annual